About Kathy Romano
At Verizon, Kathy Romano is the high priestess of billing and ordering process pros.
A 30-year telecom veteran, Romano got into the business through a management training program, then hop-skipped her way through a variety of business functions -- outside plant engineering, central office engineering, marketing, HR, IT, billing, and finance.
In between speaking at the B/OSS Conference in Las Vegas, Romano graciously spared some time to chat with TRI about the ambitious goals she and her team have set for themselves.
You'll enjoy reading what she has to say. Romano is at the cutting edge of a lot of innovative stuff in RA. She's also a woman with strong opinions and keen insights on where the RA practice needs to go.
Romano's energy and love of her work showed through in our discussion. We sensed that while the Las Vegas glitter was fun for her, she longed to get back to her Philadelphia office to pour through reams of RA data, interact with her team, and continue to advance the Revenue Assurance art.
True to the Verizon motto, Romano certainly "makes progress every day."
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