Custom Research Studies
In between writing our multi-client research studies, TRI conducts custom research studies in telecom BSS/OSS and other markets.
Over the years, several companies have hired us to perform 30-day or 60-day turnaround research studies that analyze the results of telecom surveys and interviews.
Clients know the market questions they need answers to, but lack a methodology or in-house expertise to obtain those answers in a timely, cost-effective way.
Because of our experience, TRI can act as your "knowledge engineer" to:
- Identify the key people to talk to and formulate a strategy to reach them.
- Fine tune survey questions to maximize response and information value.
- Interview influential buyers and executives in a way that prompts them to open up and freely discuss their needs, preferences, and opinions.
- Write a clear, hard-hitting report that analyzes the market, makes recommendations, and provides a valuable document that you can distribute to prospective customers.

A good example of our work is a custom research program that Subex sponsored on telecom wholesale systems trends.
TRI consulted with Subex to develop a hard hitting, but easily answered survey instrument. Then survey participants in Asia and Europe answered an on-line survey and TRI followed up by interviewing survey respondents. TRI handled all data collection and analysis of the results.
The survey results were combined with a thorough analysis of trends to produce a 19-page industry repor that was promoted through TRI's Black Swan Telecom Journal and other media outlets. Click on the report cover at right to download the PDF report (700 KB)
For further info on our custom research services, please email us a note or visit our contact page.